
Empowering Families: Expanding The Bridge Wellness South’s Parent Prep Program with Your Support

As a cherished donor, your generosity plays a crucial role in transforming the lives of families and parents within our community. At The Bridge Wellness South, we are committed to providing comprehensive support and education through our Invest Parent Prep Program. Your contributions enable us to offer this impactful program, centered around the BrightCourse curriculum, which prepares parents for the challenges and joys of pregnancy, childbirth, newborn care, and parenting.

We are deeply grateful for your continued support, as your donations will go towards expanding the program’s curriculum and reach. Read on to explore how your investment in The Bridge Wellness South’s Parent Prep Program encourages and strengthens families, fostering a brighter future for all.

Empowering Parents with Enhanced Curriculum

Your generous donations enable us to enhance The Bridge Wellness South’s Parent Prep Program curriculum, offering even more valuable knowledge and skills to parents. With your support, we can expand the BrightCourse video-based curriculum to cover a wider range of essential topics. From comprehensive prenatal care and advanced childbirth preparation to in-depth parenting techniques and relationship building, your contributions ensure that parents have access to the most up-to-date and relevant information to confidently navigate their journey.

Reaching More Families within the Community

Thanks to your support, The Bridge Wellness South’s Parent Prep Program can extend its reach and impact to a larger number of families in need. With additional resources, we can host more individual and group education classes, offering support to an increasing number of parents. Your donations enable us to collaborate with churches, businesses, Christian schools, homeschool co-ops, and various groups, ensuring that all parents, regardless of their background, have access to this life-changing opportunity.

Enhancing Community Support

As a donor, you are at the core of creating a supportive community for parents within The Bridge Wellness South. By expanding our program, we can strengthen the bond among parents, encourage mutual support, and foster a sense of belonging. Your support allows us to facilitate more in-center sessions, providing parents with a safe and nurturing space to share experiences, ask questions, and build lasting connections.

Enriching Faith-Based Guidance

Your contributions also enable us to enrich The Bridge Wellness South’s Parent Prep Program with profound faith-based guidance. By expanding our Christian faith studies, we can further inspire parents to nurture their child’s emotional and spiritual growth. Through biblical principles and values, parents can find strength, purpose, and connectedness within their families.

An Investment in Parenthood for a Fruitful Return

By donating to The Bridge Wellness South’s Parent Prep Program, you are making a profound investment in parenthood, one that will yield fruitful returns for generations to come. Your generous support empowers parents with knowledge, skills, and a nurturing environment that fosters happy, healthy, and well-supported families.

Your support as a donor is paramount in expanding The Bridge Wellness South’s Parent Prep Program and its ability to empower families and parents within our community. With your generosity, we can enhance the curriculum, reach more families, and strengthen community support. We are deeply grateful for your commitment to fostering a brighter future for all families. Your investment in The Bridge Wellness South’s Parent Prep Program nurtures and empowers parents, creating a lasting impact that extends far beyond the boundaries of our community.

Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey and for investing in the well-being and happiness of families.

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Baby Bottle Boomerang: A Life-Changing Opportunity for All Ages and Groups

At The Bridge Wellness, we are excited to introduce you to our Baby Bottle Boomerang – a powerful initiative that brings together churches, businesses, Christian schools, homeschool co-ops, and groups of all sizes and ages to create a life-changing impact.

This unique program offers a simple yet effective way to support The Bridge Wellness South.

What is the Baby Bottle Boomerang?

The Baby Bottle Boomerang is a heartwarming initiative designed to raise funds for The Bridge Wellness. It brings together diverse groups, such as churches, businesses, Christian schools, homeschool co-ops, and people of all ages and sizes. Participants are provided with baby bottles to fill with monetary donations. These bottles are then “boomeranged” back to The Bridge Wellness, where the funds directly support our programs that assist mothers to be & families in need.

A Life-Changing Opportunity for All Ages and Groups

The beauty of the Baby Bottle Boomerang lies in its versatility, as it can involve a wide array of participants:

  1. Churches: Partnering with churches is at the heart of the Baby Bottle Boomerang. The program amplifies the impact of faith communities, fostering unity and compassion among congregation members as they come together to support families in need.
  2. Businesses: Businesses have a unique opportunity to engage their employees and customers in making a positive difference. Through the Baby Bottle Boomerang, businesses demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and The Bridge Wellness community support.
  3. Christian Schools: Christian schools play a vital role in educating young minds about compassion and service. Participating in the Baby Bottle Boomerang allows students to actively live out these values and make a meaningful impact in their community.
  4. Homeschool Co-ops: Homeschool co-ops provide a nurturing environment for learning and growth. By joining the Baby Bottle Boomerang, homeschool families come together to teach their children about giving back and making a positive change in the lives of others.
  5. Groups of All Sizes and Ages: The Baby Bottle Boomerang is inclusive, welcoming groups of any size and age. Whether it’s a small family gathering or a large community event, each contribution makes a significant difference.

The Baby Bottle Boomerang is an inclusive and life-changing opportunity that unites churches, businesses, Christian schools, homeschool co-ops, and groups of all ages and sizes for a common purpose. By filling baby bottles with donations and contributions, we create a ripple effect of compassion and support that reaches families in need.

Whether you are a church congregation, a business, a Christian school, or a small group gathering, your participation in the Baby Bottle Boomerang has the power to make a significant impact on the lives of babies, moms, and dads.

Let’s join together and create lasting change through the Baby Bottle Boomerang at The Bridge Wellness.

All proceeds from the Baby Bottle Boomerang program go directly to The Bridge Wellness, to continue life-affirming practices.

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We Are Hiring: Our Team is Growing

The team at the Bridge Wellness South is growing to meet the needs of our patients and clients. Can you help us find our next Evening Receptionist and Administrative Assistant?

Do you know someone that is an advocate for pro-life causes? Are YOU someone that has a passion to help find solutions to difficult issues? Can you help us provide the excellent patient care that represents the mission of the Bridge Wellness South?

Find out more about the positions we have open below. Please share this information as you pray for us to find the perfect fit for the next season of great things at the Bridge Wellness South.

 Evening Receptionist



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Grant from Central GA EMC Foundation

With a grant from the Central Georgia EMC foundation, we were able to purchase a new OB exam table for expanded women’s health services.

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